Today's Liberal News

Garrett Epps

The Constitution Is Perfectly Clear About Citizenship

It took all of about 39 seconds for the vicious “birther” chatter to reemerge once former Vice President Joe Biden announced that Senator Kamala Harris would be his running mate for the November election. No wonder, since a certain variety of American citizen just can’t seem to wrap his mind around the U.S. Constitution’s provisions guaranteeing equal citizenship to all Americans.

The Trump Administration’s Incompetence Was the Saving Grace of 700,000 Dreamers

In a bravura interagency pageant of incompetence, the Trump administration managed today to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory. The Supreme Court decided in favor of the “Dreamers” in Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, the blockbuster case weighing the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program announced in 2012 by the Obama administration.