Today's Liberal News

Repair & Revive: Rev. William Barber on Fighting Racism, Poverty, Climate Change, War & Nationalism

The Poor People’s Campaign offered a counterpoint to President Trump’s sparsely attended Tulsa campaign rally with a mass digital gathering that unveiled a policy platform to spur “transformative action” on five key issues of systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and the threat of religious nationalism. “We have to repair and revive,” says Rev. Dr. William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign.

How U.S. and Brazil Leadership That “Neglects Science” Led to Hemisphere’s Worst Coronavirus Crises

As coronavirus infections worldwide approach 10 million, nearly half can be found in the two largest countries in the Americas: the United States and Brazil, which now has the worst infection rate in the world and could surpass the U.S. death toll next month. “What we see in the country is a reflection of the leadership that we have,” says Marcia Castro, professor of demography, chair of the Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H.

We can’t afford a post-COVID recovery that helps the rich get richer and leaves behind the rest

COVID-19 punched America—and most of the world—in the gut. It has taken so many lives, and upended so many others by taking away their primary sources of income. It has altered fundamentally the way we operate and how we interact with one another, perhaps forever. The pandemic has made economic inequality—which was severe enough beforehand—even worse.

The coronavirus has heightened many different forms of inequality.

‘Go home’ and ‘white power’ spray-painted among other hateful phrases in Santa Fe Indian restaurant

Since Sept. 11, South Asian and Middle Eastern Americans have often been targeted in bias or hate crimes, including those involving everyday discrimination, harassment, profiling, and physical violence. These crimes against immigrant communities, which are often underreported, continue to rise amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Returning to his restaurant, India Palace, in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Monday, Bajit Singh was met with a shock.

Large majority of county voters say Trump’s nominating convention will be a virus-spreading event

A new University of North Florida poll of Duval County voters suggests that the locals are none too happy about the Republican Party’s decision to saddle them with the Pandemic Funtime Hitler Show, aka the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, at the end of August. The poll shows 58% of county residents “strongly or somewhat” oppose hosting the convention, compared to 42% in support.

Defunding the police: What does it mean in 2020?

Have you heard the phrase “defund the police” a lot recently? Do you support reallocating budgets from the police to community strategies?

In this new episode of  “How Did We Get Here?”  (my weekly show on our Daily Kos YouTube channel) I break down what it actually means to defund the police. 

YouTube Video

The transcript can be found below.

It All Happened In Full View

Fifty years ago, the Watergate scandal offered the country a mystery that followed the pattern of a traditional detective story. A crime had been committed. Who did it, and why? First the media, and then Congress and prosecutors, followed the clues for two years—until, at last, evidence was discovered proving that the culprit was indeed President Richard Nixon.The Trump-Russia scandal, by contrast, offers an update on the old formula, much as the innovative Columbo series did in the 1970s.

The Protests Are Already Changing Elections

Jamaal Bowman wasn’t supposed to win.The 44-year-old black progressive candidate, a former middle-school principal, challenged a New York representative who’s been in Congress since before the fall of the Berlin Wall and who had the backing of some of the most powerful players in the Democratic Party. But if the initial results in his primary yesterday hold, he could soon be a presumptive congressman.

The Atlantic Daily: Pitying America

Every weekday evening, our editors guide you through the biggest stories of the day, help you discover new ideas, and surprise you with moments of delight. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.The AtlanticAmerica is faltering. The coronavirus outbreak and the death of George Floyd proved to be revelatory events, exposing its rotted and racist systems.